Knowledge: Ladies' bags
Ladies’ bags:How to choose a leather handbag.
Choose a formal handbag that can be used for various occasions. The criteria for choosing are not to violate public manners. Reptile leather with rich patterns and those with noticeable luster and metal fittings are not appropriate. The color should be able to match to any style, Japanese or Western, so black is a good choice.
Tips for long-term use are sturdy hand straps, good leather quality, and good stitching. All of these can be seen, touched, and checked at the store, so choose a bag based on these. You will surely find an item that you can carry for a long time.
Recently, there are more handbags that can be used for both business and town use. In other words, you are using one bag for longer periods of time. Naturally, there are many things to store, and a reasonable number of partitions are required inside. However, if you put more than the capacity, it will damage the leather and cause it to lose its shape. It is important to first select a bag with an image of how you’ll be using it. At the store, you should check not only the storage capacity but also the straps and weight. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a bag to use 9 to 5 and beyond.